Monday, March 16, 2009

Cake Balls

Recipe and photo courtesy Kendra Benson

This is perfect for cake scraps.

Cake Scraps (any kind), or a whole cake if you're feeling ambitious
Frosting (canned or homemade)
Dipping chocolate or milk chocolate morsels
Sprinkles, white chocolate, other decorations (optional)

While the cake is still warm (but not hot), crumble it into a bowl into semi-fine crumbs. There should be some larger-than-crumb pieces, but not too big, about 1/4" or smaller. Let the crumbs cool to room temperature.

Spoon in frosting a little at a time and mix together with a fork or the back of a spoon. Continue adding frosting until your "cake" sticks together and you can form a ball from it.

If you have a melon baller (or some similar kitchen tool), scoop out the "cake" and roll into balls. Place them on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and freeze them for a minimum of 10 minutes to hold their shape.

While the cake balls are freezing, melt the milk chocolate according to the directions. Dip the cake balls in the chocolate and refrigerate to harden. Decorate as desired and serve in mini muffin cups.


Barbara said...

Those look amazing and yummy. The way you described them to me, I never expected them to be so pretty. Can't wait to try some -- when I can eat chocolate again :)

Nicole said...

What a great idea! I'm gonna make them the next chance i get.